
Showing posts with label learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label learning. Show all posts

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Me and The library.

I love books. 

That also means I read a lot of books. But, I don't buy that many books. 

That is where the Toronto Public Library comes. The library has a great collection of ebooks. 

I have an app called Libby. It is connected to the library with my card. So, I can download any Overdrive ebook for free. 

Library made me sane during the lockdown in 2020. Still, I find time to read while working full time.

Years before, while I wanted to do crafts, TPL gave me tons of books to learn crochet. Crochet learning led me to find other crafts like card making and bead &wire jewellery. 

Now, I am reading thrillers to kill time on the subway. I got interested in backyard gardening last summer. After reading Barbara Kingsolver's "Animal, Vegetable Miracle", I want to know more about homesteading. My shelf on Libby carries "The Weekend Homesteader" to delve into that.

Toronto public library is a well-used library system. Linkedin learning is free for all library members. I am so blessed to have access to the library.

Do you use your library at all? What features of the library do you like most?
