
Showing posts with label commute. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commute. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

What a fun evening to have!

It was Tuesday. I finished work at about eight at night. I started reading the book the minute I settled on the seat on the train. 

The novel was exciting. The main character is on a beautiful island while the world is going through a pandemic. She was swimming along with a man in the ocean and pulled away by an undercurrent. The next page reveals that she is just waking up from a coma in a hospital. 

At that exact moment, I realized I missed my stop too. I got out to the next station to take the train back to my intended station in a hurry. Once out of the train, I realize my handbag is still on the strain seat. Now, I am out with no credit card or money. I know my husband will be waiting at the station to take me home. But my phone was not giving any signal to call. I hunch the bag will be given to the lost and found. I told a cleaner at the platform about the missing bag. He told me to talk to the collector at the booth. The collector asked to go to the terminal station, just two stops away. There, people will clean trains. So I may get it back!

I decided to go to the last station. The janitors on the platform directed me to the supervisor's office. They had the bag!!!! So, finally, I reunited with my bag.

Lesson learned: Read the book, but stop reading it before the actual stop to prevent this kind of incident again!!!

The people working on TTC were very kind and helped that night.  


Sunday, May 23, 2021

In the subway train

During the workdays, I take the TTC subway trains to reach the workplace. 

During the covid 19, trains are not so busy. 

Pre pandemic days, it was hard to get a seat. Thanks to the city and the employees for keeping the buses and trains running! 

During the commute, I usually reading ebooks. Sometimes, I get distracted by people or dogs. 

This last week, I saw a man getting on the train with his bicycle. I saw him settling comfortably on a seat with his feet on the cycle. 

It looks like an old bike, with an exposed bike chain, and peeling colours. 

It must be enough to take him from place to place. 
I think he rests his feet on the bike very possessively. Maybe there is a special connection between man the bike. I never know. 

Will the bike has a story of its own? If it has a voice, what it will tell us? Just wondering.....